7th Oct 2015

Minutes of a meeting of The Garrison Residents' Association held at Hinguar School on 7th October 2015


  • Vivien Byczynski (Chair)
  • Chris Coomber (Hon Treasurer)
  • Adrian Walker (Hon Secretary)
  • Jonathan Hunnibal (Special Adviser)
  • Michael Kennedy
  • Cliff Marshall
  • Viv Jones


  • Jamie Robinson
  • Ian Dally
  • Phil Coombe
  • Helen Parke
  • Daniel Puddick


Minutes of the last meeting, held on 12/8/15, were approved.

Matters arising

Section 106 update

Peter Geraghty has still not replied to Vivien Byczynski's letter of 14/8/15 enquiring about the status

of the Section 106, the transfer of residual land and the state of the sea wall, apart from a standard

holding response within the required 10 day response period. Repeated e mail requests have

been ignored so VB has e mailed Councillor Assenheim who has also prompted Officers to

respond. At the time of the meeting this had not happened.

Cliff Marshall asked why three areas of residual land had previously been offered for sale to residents

(presumably to bolster Garrison funds) but were now being included in the handover to Shoebury

Garrison Management Company Ltd. VB said the banks above the beach should never have been

offered to residents or be transferred to the newly formed SGMCL on handover since they formed

part of the sea defences and should be in the ownership of the Council.

Adrian Walker suggested the GRA also invite two directors from SGMCL to give them an

opportunity to explain the reasons for the delay in handing over the management of the site to


Jonathan Hunnibal suggested it was now the time to accelerate the complaint to the Council. Michael

Kennedy agreed and CC said it should be in the form of a formal complaint. VB agreed and said

these were very substantial issues and she felt SBC was just 'battening down the hatches'

Action: VB to write letter of complaint to Rob Tinlin, Chief Executive of Southend Borough Council.

Liaison meetings

VB and AW met with local Councillors on 12/8/15 to explain residents’ concerns over the

multiple issues affecting the Garrison. All agreed to continue their dialogue and to meet

again before the AGM to which they all agreed to attend.

Garrison Chapel

VB met with Viv Stevens, headmistress of Hinguar School and trustee of the Southend Educational

Trust about future liaison with the school and specifically to discuss their plans to change the

Garrison Chapel into a wedding and party venue. VB explained the multiple concerns of the GRA,

not least that the grant application had commenced with no consultation with residents. The GRA

had discussed the matter and have grave concerns at the proposals in their current form however

both agreed there needed to be a way forward to ensure the vacant Chapel was maintained. VS

and VB agreed that there was not enough time to debate the proposals by SET at the GRA AGM in

November. VB asked VS for the SET Chapel Heritage Lottery grant application timetable and

VB stated that concerns would be heightened if SET had developed the bid further

without consultation with the GRA and residents. A SET Board meeting was due to be held

the following week and VS would set up a meeting with Cultural Engine, the company developing

the bid and invite the GRA rep. In response to VS's assertion there were no other options available

to SET for the chapel, VB responded they could explore selling it; use if for an arts/cultural center;

or use it as an extension to Hinguar School rather than an inappropriate commercial venture that

will have adverse effects on the community surrounding it.

Action: VB/AW to follow up meeting

Heritage Centre

Viv Stevens is also on the board of the company running the Heritage Centre project and VB had suggested to her the GRA would want to be involved in the development of the Heritage Centre and that both buildings should be complimentary and not duplicate activity. Some progress had been made on the superstructure of the building and Daniel Puddick had tried but failed to get much information from the contractors on site.

Action: DP to make further enquiries with the Shoebury Society and the Council with a view to attending future meetings on the project.

Drill Shed

VB explained there had been a meeting between B2C and SBC planning inspectors following a complaint from the GRA about breaches of planning restrictions. After some delay, she received a report from the Enforcement Officer advising SBC will not take enforcement action as they did not agree there had been any significant breach. VB said our next move would be to consult a planning expert.

JH said the Enforcement Officers findings seemed a 'soft cop-out' and said we should have a meeting with him and Cllr Assenheim because the evidence from B2C at the original appeal had been misleading. CC made the point that following parliamentary procedure, whatever evidence given by B2C at the appeal was an indication of their intentions. VB said the footpath directly alongside the building was used for parking and for unloading from HGVs but also used by pedestrians, which constituted a hazard. JH said if a pedestrian were injured as a result, B2C would be liable. CC said the piece of land was a right of way and the only length of pathway on The Garrison which is allegedly private, as claimed by B2C. VB said we should go back to the Enforcement Officer, when we have a professional opinion, but that she wasn't sure of the time constraints. JH said there were no such constraints and we should call a meeting with SBC and Cllr Assenheim ASAP. CC asked if the Planning Inspectorate could tell us if the Enforcement Officer’s interpretation was challengeable.

Action: VB to seek professional advice, request meeting with Enforcement Officer and Councillor Assenheim and check with Planning Inspectorate.

Primary Care Centre for Shoebury

CC said there was no real update to report but that Harry Chandler of the Shoebury Residents'

Association had said the Primary Care Trust had run out of money to develop a PCC for

Shoebury. JH said he had read an article saying the PCT was looking for other sites and pointed

out there was an empty new building still available opposite Hinguar School which could be suitable.

To date the GRA have not been approached by Kate Halliday from the company developing the

PCC as indicated previously.

Flood issues, future planning applications

Cliff Marshall said he had responded to the consultation on the Surface Water Management Plan

and the Local Flood Risk Management Strategy despite the 10 day consultation period for response

which was totally inadequate. The draft documents yet again failed to take on board the serious

issues affecting Shoebury Southend Borough Council as Lead Local Flood Authority has not

discharged its responsibilities to residents re the flood risks. Anglian Water had failed to play its full

part in the planning process. W ith regard to the development land at the former

Gunners Park, he added that though the land had planning permission, the situation had

since changed in relation to serious flood issues. VB said the three local Residents Associations

(the GRA, the Shoebury Residents Association and the Friends of Shoebury Common) involved in

opposition to the application had approached the Environment Agency to say SBC did not fully

understand the issues involved. Consequently a meeting is being planned with all the responsible

agencies and this is now being arranged at our insistence by Southend Borough Council because

of the pressure put on them by us. VB has reminded Cllr Assenheim we must be given notice of

the meeting to ensure we are fully represented at this important meeting. CM said the various

resident groups and their advisers had been continually ignored by SBC, but they were now

fully aware we have a voice.

Post Meeting Note: VB and CM to attend the SBC Place Scrutiny Committee discussing the

Surface Water Management Plan and the Local Flood Risk Management Strategy

Traffic management

Jonathan Hunnibal had met with Fowler & Spenceley on 17/9/15 to discuss the subject. The matter

of commercial vehicle parking was a relatively minor issue in respect of numbers (22), although

annoying to those residents affected by it. Of more concern was inconsiderate parking of cars, in

particular double parking of cars in Hospital Road and this should be investigated. F&S sent a written

update to the meeting which advised that they had contacted 3 companies who are members of the

British Parking Association with a view to obtaining recommendations for consideration. JH

confirmed it was legal to apply parking restrictions on private roads. F&S are to instruct a

contractor to identify 'pinch points' on The Garrison. JH said we should speak to SBC and the Police

about the matter. Advice should be sought in updating current signage and we should seek legal

advice on the enforceability of the parking covenants. VB said F&S had contacted a number of

enforcement companies to ask their opinion. It was suggested residents should be consulted

for their views on the matter. VB said it was important to follow all the correct protocols.

It was agreed in conclusion that once the prospective directors of SGMCL take control of the site

management we will be in a better position to proceed.

Action: JH to follow up

Website and communication

VB said following the AGM we should produce a news-sheet for the website but we need a sub

group to take this task forward.

Action: ID and DP to identify who this will be managed by

Treasurer's report

Chris Coomber produced current accounts showing a total carried forward of £212.74.

Annual General Meeting 7.30pm Monday 30th November 2015.

Discussion followed regarding the preparation of papers for the meeting. Formal invitations to

invitees need to be sent although the dates have been communicated at the liaison meetings with


The Leader of the Council should attend the GRA's Annual General Meeting, especially since the

flood issues would be discussed there, together with the Section 106, and handover to residents

of SGMCL management.

Viv Jones suggested we should highlight to residents the problems we are having with C&M/Avant

and SBC over a wide range of issues and should bring in the Press. After a short discussion

the latter suggestion was rejected for the short term.

It was agreed to ask for new committee members, particularly those with legal expertise and

planning expertise. Viv Jones agreed to arrange for the printing and VB agreed to invite the

special guests.

Mike Kennedy said he would apply for the vacancy on the new SGMCL Board but resign

from the GRA.

Action: AW/VB to prepare papers, VJ to organise printing, all committee members to assist in


Fowler & Spencerley Update

VB updated the meeting and apologised for not pre circulating the papers but they had been received

too late.

Action: VB agreed to circulate the update with the minutes

Any other business

Rifle Store

MK said the new owner had cut down the shrubs on the land in front of the building to make way for

car parking and had not been sympathetic to residents' complaints. F&S had informed us the

owner's architect was willing to meet residents for a discussion.

Homes by the Sea

VB said The Garrison is featured in the new series on More4 in a few weeks. There being no further

business the meeting closed at 9.45 pm.