5th Aug 2015

Minutes of a meeting of the Garrison Residents' Association held on August 5th 2015 at The Clockhouse 54 Chapel Road


  • Viv Byczynski (Chair)
  • Chris Coomber (Hon Treasurer)
  • Adrian Walker (Hon Sec)
  • Daniel Puddick
  • Jonathan Hunnibal
  • Michael Kennedy
  • Tom Rae
  • Helen Parke


  • Matthew Brittain 
  • Cliff Marshall
  • Ian Dally
  • Richard Spence
  • Phil Coombe
  • Jamie Robinson
  • Viv Jones


Minutes of the two previous GRA meetings: 3/6/15 and 16/7/15 were agreed and approved. 

Matters arising

The GRA had sent a letter to Rob Tinlin at SBC expressing concern at the delayed handover of SGMCL to the residents, and to the future status and ownership of the coastal defences and banks in front of Mess Road and the Outlook apartments. Peter Geraghty, SBC Head of Planning and Transport, replied stating that handover would take place in the autumn, following the expected completion of the S106 works by C&M/Avant. His comments concerning the coastal defences and banks were considered by the committee to be somewhat ambiguous and it was agreed to consider them, take a view and respond appropriately. 

Included in PG's response was a schedule of all the S106 works with a progress report. There were some questions raised about these by members, including the issue of who should be responsible for locking and unlocking the court gates and the Heritage Centre car park. 

Action: Viv Byczynski agreed to find out from SBC.

Action: Chris Coomber agreed to scan and circulate copies of the schedule to all committee members for their information. 

Agreement on topics and responsibilities

A decision was taken at the previous GRA extraordinary meeting to improve communication and efficiency within the committee through a system of defined responsibilities allocated to individual members. Following this, VB produced a draft flow chart setting out suggested main topic areas and responsibilities involved in operating the GRA. Cliff Marshall had also e mailed suggested topic areas in his absence.

Action: VB to update flow chart based on discussions and for further comment.

•Garrison chapel: Adrian Walker went over the recent meeting with SET trustees and their partners and said a letter had been sent to them and to the Lottery Heritage Enterprise Scheme setting out objections to the proposed change of use to a wedding/party venue. 

•Action: Adrian Walker agreed to try to discover the identities of all the SET board of trustees and to oversee opposition to the chapel change of use.

•Heritage Centre VB pointed out that SET was on the Management Board for the Heritage Centre, along with, Southend Borough Council, The Wildlife Trust and the Shoebury Society, although not the GRA. She suggested if the GRA was also a member, we could ensure the residents could influence the fate of the Heritage Centre and it could also help us refocus attention on the Heritage Centre as a community venue with the potential to seek public funding.

•Action: Helen Parke and Daniel Puddick agreed to investigate the possibility of this.

•Drill Shed: VB had sent a report to SBC enforcement officers drawing attention to the continuing breaches of planning restrictions at the site. AW had also sent a letter to SBC complaining about the poor state of repair and renovation of the building. VB said it was likely that SBC enforcement officers would meet with the owners of the Drill Shed who would agree to comply with the decision notice or appeal against the enforcement action. 

•Action: VB will continue handling matters relating to the Drill Shed.

•New development in Gunners' Park: it was suggested that a fighting fund be established to help finance opposition to any further unwelcome applications for development of the site. Michael Kennedy suggested a levy be imposed on residents through the estate charge.

•Action: Cliff Marshall to continue monitoring the situation.

•Action: VB agreed to investigate how soon a planning appeal had to be lodged. (post meeting note: within 180 days or by 4 January 2016)

•Primary Care Centre for Shoebury: VB had a call from Harry Chandler, Chair of Shoebury Residents' Association saying this issue had come alive again. He sent VB a report prepared by SRA investigating suitable sites in the area. These included: the redundant sorting office in George Street; the clinic in Delaware Road; the old cottage hospital in Ness Road; Gunners' Park North, even though this would still be on a flood plain. VB suggested we should discuss whether the new centre would be something Garrison residents wanted. Chris Coomber said he understood the Primary Care Trust had run out of cash, but VB said a Kate Halliday was exploring the project on behalf of the developers and wanted to meet the GRA committee for discussions.

•Action: CC to lead on this.

•Flood protection: Action Cliff Marshall will take charge of this issue.

•Traffic and estate management: Action Jonathan Hunnibal will take charge of these.

•Website and notice board: it was suggested notice boards be erected to improve communications between GRA and residents. Sites suggested included Sainsbury's and the railings near the North gate. The current website is in process of modification by Ian Dally, and Daniel Puddick agreed to work with Ian on the notice boards and the new website.

•Action: Jonathan Hannibal to investigate if he can obtain notice boards free of charge

•Action: DP to contact Ian Dally.

Fowler & Spenceley update

An update of actions had been circulated previously.

Jonathan Hunnibal said he thought F&S was doing a satisfactory job so far.

Parking controls

•There was a discussion on the matter of parking on the Garrison. F&S had that evening delivered letters to all residents explaining the legally enforceable ban on residents' commercial vehicles parking on site, since previous requests have been largely ignored. It was agreed to ask F&S to investigate the viability of enforcement of parking controls. 

•Action JH

Any other business

Half marathon

Michael Kennedy said he would meet with organisers of the event to discuss matters of concern, including the route, signage and organisation.

Local Councillors

VB said a meeting had been arranged with local ward Councillors to discuss matters relating to The Garrison.

Hinguar School

VB proposed writing to the Headmistress, who is also lead trustee of the chapel, to discuss future use of the school for GRA meetings, in the light of recent developments concerning the chapel.

Action VB

Treasurer's report

CC reported there had been no change, other than 1pence earned in interest, since his last report and total funds stood at £212.72.

There being no further business the meeting ended at 9.20 pm.

1st April 2015

Minutes of a meeting of The Garrison Residents' Association held at Hinguar   

School on 1st April 2015


  • Scott James (Chairman)
  • Chris Coomber (Hon Treasurer)
  • Adrian Walker (Hon Secretary)   
  • Jonathan Hunnibal (Special Adviser)
  • Ian Dally
  • Cliff Marshall
  • Daniel Puddick
  • Michael Kennedy
  • Helen Parke
  • Phil Coombe


  • Vivien Bycznski
  • Jamie Robinson
  • Neil Hurrell
  • Viv Jones

Scott James opened the meeting by welcoming members, particularly Helen Parke and Phil Coombe, who were attending their first GRA committee meeting.


Minutes of the previous meeting were approved.


Chris Coomber apologised for not having copies of the latest accounts, but said they were largely unchanged since the last meeting and he would email copies to members the following day.

Gunners Park development

SJ explained that after a lot of to-ing and fro-ing the application was due to go back to Southend Borough Council planning committee for consideration on 17th April, but was now deferred until after the Council elections in early May, on a date to be confirmed.

SJ said he had received a response from SBC to his letter of 3rd January setting out The Garrison residents' objections to the development; he had not yet received a response to his recent letter to James Duddridge MP on the same subject.

Jonathan Hunnibal asked if the issue of flood insurance in relation to the proposed development had been considered in the light of new rules issued by the insurance industry. Cliff Marshall replied he was still awaiting results ofSBC's deliberations on the new flood defences on Shoebury Common, but said the group, Friends Of Shoebury Common, was aware of the new insurance rules.

Chairman's newsletter

SJ said he had received some response from his last newsletter, nearly all on the subject of parking. It has been alleged that a resident has been vandalising cars in St. George's Lane, in the belief that it is an adopted road, and this belief was reinforced by one of the GRA's 'no parking' signs at the entrance to the road. The majority of St.George's Lane is adopted and not subject to the GRA's restrictions and the sign will be removed. There were also complaints about thoughtless parking in Ashes Road. SJ has produced a map showing which areas of The Garrison are under SGMCL control and those under the control of SBC and others, and this map will be published online when copyright issues have been resolved. The map will make it clear which roads are and are not adopted.

Fowler and Spenceley

On 28th January 2015, S&F wrote to George Cronin, the then managing director of C&M (now Avant) asking for confirmation on a number of important issues agreed between GC and the GRA on the handover of management of The Garrison to residents. F&S wrote again to GC in March, requesting a response to its earlier letter and received a response from Jo Massey, a director of SGMCL promising a reply from GC shortly. After a further three weeks and still no reply from GC to F&S's original letter of January 28th, the GRA urged F&S to contact Avant yet again. On March 13th Keith Spenceley of F&S telephoned Jo Massey but was put through to Zahida Maghal, another director of SGMCL. KSexplained the difficulty he was having in getting any kind of useful response from Avant after seven weeks and made a number of requests, including a response to his original letter to George Cronin. He followed up that call with a confirmatory email.

Robert Fowler of F&S emailed the nominated resident directors on March 13th to say there had by that date been no response from Avant Homes.

However, since then, John Dowel, recently retired chairman of the GRA, telephoned George Cronin's private number and GC returned the call. He told JD that he had confirmed to Avant the legitimacy of the GRA's claims concerning Avant's obligations to The Garrison residents and that these were all well documented within Avant's archives, even explaining exactly where they could be located. We now await Avant's response.

Meanwhile, SJ has written to one of the three new owners of Avant, explaining our predicament and requesting their support and would write again should we not receive a prompt reply.

New wild-life warden

SJ drew attention to the appointment of the new warden, Andrew Armstrong, who has written a piece in the new chairman's newsletter, outlining his duties and ambitions for the site.

Tennis courts and Mess Road gate

Cliff Marshall said the new courts in Commandant's Park were nearing completion, but had strayed significantly from the original plans by being given a black Tarmac surface rather than the regular green surface promised. Furthermore, the entrance gate to the courts had been moved from its original position to one facing along Mess Road, encouraging visitors to use this private un-adopted road to access the courts. He also asked why picnic tables were now planned to be located close to Mess Road, causing further inconvenience to residents. SJ agreed there could be an issue with visitors' cars and suggested we raise the possibility of SBC providing speed bumps. CM said there could be an issue with cars driving along the cycle path in order to avoid these and CC suggested a chicane might be better. He also suggested the erection of cul-de-sac signs to deter drivers.

Cliff Marshall and Daniel Puddick then re-iterated the residents' case for a gate to be erected at the top end of Mess Road to deter joyriders and others with anti-social motives from using the road. They complained there was a serious danger to children from speeding cars. This issue has long been a subject of heated debate among members of the committee and a gate previously erected by the residents without authorisation was ordered by C&M to be taken down. Ian Dally said a gate would not deter drivers from speeding and Chris Coomber said such a gate might be interpreted by other residents on The Garrison as an attempt to make the Officers' Mess an elite area within the site. There was also a danger that residents in other areas would want to erect gates.

SJ suggested we try to use both issues, the tennis courts and the gate, to resolve the problem, by persuading SBC to provide speed bumps or a chicane, and it was agreed to try this route.


CC said parking on The Garrison would always be an issue while residents believed they had a right to park anywhere on it. CM asked if there would still be provision for parking at the Heritage Centre even though plans for the centre had been abandoned and SJ replied that it would and this should be used by visitors to the new tennis courts. SJ said he believed regulations relating to parking on The Garrison should be pointed out firmly to residents. It was suggested that only professional enforcement would ensure orderly parking.

Update from Scott James

Gunners Rise

The last new house on Gunners Rise has been sold.

Skate-board park

Work on the skate board park and MUGA is scheduled to start in two weeks, but might be delayed due to planning permission for the CCTV installation.

Drill Shed

It was agreed that representations to SBC planning enforcement and to the appropriate cultural institutions regarding the Drill Shed should be delayed until the handover of the site to the residents is completed. In the meantime, CC and JH would arrange to visit the location in order to make a report.

Any other business

Daniel Puddick asked if there had been progress on the sale of two areas of foreshore to interested residents. There had not.

Small Arms building

Michael Kennedy asked if there had been any progress in locating a copy of thesale of agreement or TPI for the building. There had not.

Heritage Centre

Work is in progress on the site and despite the building frame being in a fragile condition, workmen had been seen handling it with what appears to be extreme lack of care. The building will not be used for its original designation but virtually moth-balled for the foreseeable future. There was some doubt as to who will be responsible for maintenance once work was completed and it was agreed to try and find out.

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 9.30 pm.

2nd Feb 2015

Minutes of a meeting of the Garrison Residents' Association held at Hinguar School on 2nd February 2015


  • Scott James (Chairman)
  • Adrian Walker (Hon Sec)
  • Michael Kennedy
  • Viv Jones
  • Ian Dally
  • Daniel Puddick
  • Cliff Marshall


  • Chris Coomber (Hon Treasurer)
  • Neil Hurrell
  • Helen Parke
  • Jamie Robinson
  • Phil Coombe
  • Viv Bycznsky
  • Jonathan Hunnable

Scott James opened the meeting at 7.40 pm by welcoming the committee members.

Treasurer's report

Scott James read the accounts in the absence of Chris Coomber: money in the bank stands at £212.65; the only expenditure recorded was £50 paid to the retiring Chairman John Dowell, in gratitude for his services to the GRA.

Meeting held by Shoebury Residents' Association to discuss proposed mixed development on Gunners' Park 20/1/15

SJ said the meeting had been well attended and the overwhelming consensus among residents and Councillors was against the development. Only Councillor James Moyies was very vocal in his opposition to the plans; the other councillors did not voice their opinions as many of them sit on the planning committees. The next planning meeting had already been deferred to March and a decision is expected then. It is believed councillors propose organising a meeting of residents and other interested parties to discuss the matter prior to this date. SJ said he and Cliff Marshall had met with Cllr. Moyies to talk about the 172 dwellings proposed for the site and had given him a set of relevant documents, which he agreed to read and to use as part of his objections during the planning meeting


SJ thanked Cliff Marshall and Phil Coombe for assisting in the delivery of the recent notices about the meeting on 20/1/15.

Social events and website

There was a general discussion about ways of improving the current website. It was agreed to amend the front page to record the change of managing agents from Nationspaces to Fowler and Spenceley and to include any further news about the management handover from C&M as it becomes available. Viv Jones suggested asking Fowler and Spenceley to become involved in this and that more use should be made of the news page. SJ said his own experience as Chairman had indicated the news page was widely read and Ian Dally agreed to include any suitable material on the page.

CM suggested we engage with residents to understand their needs and aspirations for The Garrison and proposed setting up a sub-committee for social events. In response to other suggestions about the website, Ian Dally, website manager, explained that he had very few resources for any too ambitious plans and suggested F&S might supply residents' email addresses to expand our somewhat limited membership database.

VJ suggested taking advertisements on the website from local businesses, but ID responded this was not what the site was for. SJ thought event sponsorship might be a useful tool for money raising.

Adrian Walker said the organisers of the 'Bikeathon', in aid of lymphoma and leukaemia research, had asked for permission to run the event again on Sunday 6th September along the coastal path in front of the Outlook apartments, and along Mess Road. AW explained the charity had offered some modifications in response to complaints about the 2014 event. SJ suggested he and his family would be happy to volunteer as marshals and other residents might also want to do the same. Daniel Puddick asked how we might obtain residents' views on such events and SJ responded by producing a draft leaflet he had prepared earlier which contained a variety of information and which he suggested might serve the purpose. This was met with general approval.

Mess Road gates

Cliff Marshall gave a short history of the residents' attempts to obtain permission to erect a 'quarter gate' across the entrance to Mess Road as a traffic calming exercise. This has proved a controversial issue, not only about the suitability of the gate, but about the manner in which the matter had been handled to date and there followed a robust exchange of views between members. SJ suggested the issue be deferred to the next meeting, to allow certain relevant correspondence to be produced and this was agreed.

Shoebury Garrison Management Company Ltd

Prospective members of the proposed reconstituted board of management (not to be confused with managing agents), due to take over from C&M shortly, met with Fowler and Spenceley, the new managing agents, on 19th January to talk about the logistics and timetable for the management handover and to discuss various maintenance and repair works scheduled to be undertaken by C&M at their cost before they leave the site. Following the meeting, F&S wrote to C&M setting out the various concerns. There has as yet been no reply, while certain events had occurred recently which would affect The Garrison's future: there remained two dwellings to be sold on the Garrison Rise site and The Garrison cannot be handed over till these sales are completed; the skateboard and multi-purpose games area on Gunners' Park has been approved by SBC; C&M appear to want to renege on their undertaking to dispose of certain 'residual' plots of land prior to the handover and instead are proposing to transfer them to the new SGMCL. 

AW explained these residual plots include a large area by the West Gate, which is of no use to residents and which requires regular and costly maintenance; a small area of woodland behind Warrior Square Road which contains a pumping station; part of the old chapel grounds and one or two smaller scraps of land. C&M were in somewhat protracted negotiations with residents over the sale of two pieces of foreshore near the Outlook apartments and Mess Road. There was also some speculation about the future of the newly renovated boathouse near Gunner's House.

Clearly, these and other vital issues, such as C&M's agreement to underwrite outstanding estate/service charge arrears which Nationspaces failed to collect, need to be resolved before handover.

Drill Shed

SJ produced a copy of the TPI relating to this site, describing the various restrictions placed on the owners by the Planning Inspector. These would be examined and discussed at a later date. SJ said he had spoken with Ian Homan, a director of both the Drill Shed and the spa, and has arranged a meeting with him. However, there were certain obstacles which needed attention before this would be practical.

Any other business

Rifle shed

Following concerns expressed by Parade Walk residents, SJ will ask F&S to provide a copy of the TPI for this site.


AW had learned that SET, the owner, has moved again into different premises; C&M has been informed so they may write to them yet again expressing concern at the condition of the site and their future intentions.

There being no further business, the meeting ended at 9.25 pm.

11th Dec 2014

Minutes of a meeting of The Garrison Residents' Association held at 83 Gunners' Rise on 11/12/14


  • Scott James (Chairman)
  • Adrian Walker (Hon Secretary)
  • Michel Kennedy
  • Jamie Robinson
  • Viv Byczinsky
  • Viv Jones
  • Daniel Puddick


  • Jonathan Hunnable
  • Phil Coombe
  • Ian Dally
  • Neil Hurrell 
  • Cliff Marshall
  • Helen Parke


Minutes of the 2014 AGM were approved.

Scott James welcomed the committee members and described the recent meeting he had with members of The Friends Of Shoebury Common to discuss flood defences. He confirmed the current plans would not be going ahead.


Viv Byczynski said lighting maintenance on the site was usually efficient, but hoped the sundry lights promised by George Cronin would be installed. She believes this would discourage anti-social behaviour in the vicinity of Mess Road.

Coastal Path

Michael Kennedy said the coastal path in front of the Outlook Apartments is a public right of way and he had spoken in the past to councillors about the lighting in the vicinity, which has been vandalised in the past and that it was unfair that residents should be expected to pay for its maintenance. Councillors Assenheim and Hadley had agreed some time ago that the council should be responsible, but since no progress has been made since, It was agreed we should make a formal proposal to SBC on the matter.

Cricket pitch

Daniel Puddick asked about lighting on the cricket pitch. SJ said two lights had been reported as being out of order, along with some missing chains on the perimeter; the latter have since been replaced by SBC, who are responsible for the cricket pitch. VB suggested a site map should be posted on the GRA website explaining which roads and other areas were and were not adopted, so residents would be aware of who was responsible for what. This was agreed.

New managing agents

SJ suggested the GRA should have a copy of the new agreement and said he would obtain one.

Park ranger

VB said a new ranger has been appointed and is currently going through the induction process. She said it was a big job for one man despite help from enthusiastic volunteers; she explained his responsibilities included Gunners' Park and the SSSI, which is an ancient coastal sand dune. Jamie Robinson suggested in that case, it should form part of the opposition's argument against the proposed new housing development in Gunners's Park.

Dog nuisance

Michael Kennedy asked about dog fouling and VB replied that the previous park ranger had been very aware of damage cause by dogs, particularly as two cygnets had been killed in recent years. Adrian Walker said dogs frequently fouled his front garden and bags of dog mess had been thrown over his wall. He had reported this to police, who were investigating. Daniel Puddick said he would be happy to erect cameras in the area.

New SGMCL board directors

SJ said there were seven members of the new board who would be taking up their responsibilities shortly.

Short- medium- and long-term goals for the GRA 

SJ suggested the quarterly newsletter should be revived and was surprised there was so little active social media operating in The Garrison. AW said he would welcome such a thing only if it were well policed with no anonymous postings allowed. JR suggested polling residents for their views on the newsletter and social media. Viv Jones said another organisation to which he belongs had tried communicating through social media without much success. SJ said he would investigate the subject.

SJ brought up the idea of social events to encourage communication between residents and JR offered to host tennis events once the new courts were ready in the spring. Another suggestion was for a summer fete. VJ said it was a shame there would be no social venue found for post carol-concert drinks this year and said we should ensure one was found for next year.

Mention was made of the 'open garden' event, held by Sharon and Richard Spence in the summer under the auspices of the RHS, followed a couple of weeks later by a musical evening, both of which had been highly successful. It was suggested we could have a number of gardens open on the same day, but AW said an attempt to organise such an event a couple of years ago had met with some apathy. 

AW warned against the danger of exploitation of The Garrison by outside interests, many of whom seem to regard the site as a kind of theme park, to be used as a dumping ground for their own, usually not well thought through, ideas and often without reference to the residents. This, coupled with the fact that, so far, every commercial interest on the site had breached planning restrictions, to the detriment of the residents, meant we should continue to be vigilant in defence of the residents' interests.

JR proposed we canvas residents for their views on what they wanted from the GRA.

Location of future GRA meetings

SJ said the owner of the Shoebury Hotel had offered to host future meetings which he felt would prove a convivial venue. AW said the headmistress of Hinguar School had generously hosted the meetings during 2014 free of charge and it would be a pity to sever this useful connection. It was agreed to alternate between the two.

Drill shed

In response to a question about this site, AW said the owners, B2C, had ignored a number of planning restrictions and their HGVs are by far the heaviest users of the Garrison private roads, while still resisting what the GRA considers a fair share of the estate charges. Approaches had been made to the authorities about the beaches of planning restrictions without much success, but the new managing agents had indicated they will take stronger action against the company, which also owns the Garrison spa, also the target of complaints  since it opened.

Viv Byczynski reminded the meeting that at the recent AGM, Councillor Assenheim assured the meeting he would take seriously such breaches of planning consents and Scott James said he would be happy for her to pursue the matter with him.

Rifle shed

Mike Kennedy reminded the meeting it was now a year since this building was sold and residents in the area were concerned about its future. The owner has declared his wish to develop the site as a two-bedroom dwelling and to concrete over the frontage for parking. MK suggested the owner be approached by the GRA with a view to purchasing or renting the site, possibly foe use as an office by the new managing agents or the new ranger.


Southend Educational Trust, owners of the chapel, had not responded to either C&M or the GRA's requests for information on the future of the chapel. Since its abandonment last year, concerns had increased about the deteriorating condition of the site and the owners' failure to comply with planning consents.  The owners had indicated earlier this year their intention to apply for permission to use the site as a venue for weddings etc. and the GRA had expressed opposition to this at the time. Furthermore, the GRA has been told SET could apply for change of use early next year and this opens up all kinds of possible outcomes. It is hoped the new managing agents will be able to prise open the lid of this potential can of worms.


JR's suggestion to post a site map to make it easier for visitors to find their way around The Garrison was agreed.

New development proposals

At the request of the Chairman VB outlined the history of Garrison Developments' application for 172 dwellings and 1500 sq.m. of office space on the old Gunners' Park. The original application had been deferred from May after 40 objections, based largely on flood issues, had been received by SBC. The application was brought back with only one week's notice and only one yellow notice posted in the vicinity. At that meeting, Cliff Marshall spoke against the proposal on the basis of the displacement of water issue but the GRA's objection was against the whole concept. Due to the fierce opposition generally, councillors rejected the application by 11-5. Those in favour did so mainly due to the perceived need for SBC to meet its house-building target but planning officers said they would need a technical reason for rejection, despite the strength of opposition. 

Councillor Anne Chalk had asked objectors in an email what they would accept in terms of numbers, but VB said it was not up to the opposition but to the local authorities and government agencies to make the case against. . SJ asked if we could request a deferral till after the sea defences were finished, but it was important to reply to Cllr. Chalk's email by 20/12/14, as she had requested. He added he couldn't see the commercial viability of the business units since others in the area had taken years to sell and some were still standing empty.

Discussion of the new development continued for 40 minutes, centred on the best way to plan a GRA strategy and co-ordinate with other groups in our efforts.

The meeting ended at 9.50 pm with various members agreeing to take on specific tasks related to the planning debate.

2nd October 2014

The Garrison Residents' Association

Minutes of a Committee Meeting held at Hinguar School on 2/10/14


  • John Dowell (Chairman)
  • Chris Coomber (Hon Treasurer)
  • Adrian Walker (Hon Secretary)
  • Barry Spinks
  • Cliff Marshall
  • Jonathan Hunnable
  • Daniel Puddick
  • Michael Kennedy
  • Ian Dally 
  • Scott James
  • Jamie Robinson
  • Viv Jones


  • Viv Byczinsky
  • Matthew Brittain


Minutes of the meeting on 18/8/14 were approved.

John Dowell opened the meeting by explaining that much had happened since the previous meeting and so much was still hanging in the air that it would be difficult to encapsulate it all. He apologised for the plethora of documents he'd had to supply for that evening's meeting. He hoped all present had had the chance to read and understand what had been going on and he would begin by covering the minutes of the previous meeting with George Cronin on 27/8/14 when we had reached agreement on specific figures. We were later informed by email of a reduction of £10,000, apparently to be used for other C & M purposes. The GRA had stressed the importance of having detailed information of the site work included within the fluid £90,000 figure agreed. To date only the work to drains in Chapel Road had been attended to, but not much since.

As to the 'letter of comfort' from Colin Lewis, (GC's superior), which had been promised, JD said we took the view it was a document which gave no comfort at all. This was of particular concern as GC was to become a consultant to C&M rather than an employee. The 2013 accounts for SGMCL had missed the deadline for filing (again) although JD had had verbal confirmation that day they had been signed by GC, although not by Jo Massey, the other signatory. JD said we should wait till they had been filed before we made any further move.

He said we had been playing 'catchup' for a long time and much that had been promised had not materialised. GC's response to JD's letter expressing dissatisfaction at Colin Lewis's 'letter of comfort' solved no problems. Information requested from GC quantifying the £90,000 had not been mentioned since the meeting with Officers and the deadline set by the GRA for confirmation had passed.

Section 20 works on leasehold properties will now not be started till 2015 and a copy of a letter to leaseholder residents sent from Nationspaces confirming this had been withheld from GRA officers on instructions from GC. The Section 20 situation was highly unsatisfactory, since the original meeting between C&M, Nationspaces and the residents concerned, at which agreements were reached, took place almost two years ago. At that time residents were offered a 20% reduction, subsequently increased to 30%, but this had now been reduced to 20% due to increases in costs caused by the delay. The delay was almost entirely due to errors and poor management by Nationspaces and C & M as the Section 20 work is overdue since 2007.

GRA officers had agreed the previous week they should make one last attempt to seek agreement with C&M and JD had spoken with GC's assistant suggesting a telephone conversation between JD and GC. As a result, GC had called JD that afternoon at which the former had indicated he was content to provide the information he had previously withheld. 

In the same call GC said all the prospective managing agents had attended the site with GC and he said they all seemed enthusiastic. JD reminded the meeting that all prospective managing agents were required to be fully RICS qualified. The candidates would need to make written proposals by 10/10/14 at which time GC would take a view of the situation. JD said he had no concerns as to the fitness of all candidates involved. Scott James asked if any agents not on the original list had been approached and JD said no. 

JD explained it remained GC's intention to invite the GRA Officers to the final interviews to give their views and JD said the GRA would accept the opportunity to question the candidates from  their own experience of the site. The final decision will be made by GC in his capacity of Managing Director of SGMC Ltd. GC wanted finalisation of the handover of the site by 1/1/15. He also wants to meet the new board applicants soon and intends to invite two of them to join the board in advance of the handover. 

JD has a meeting arranged off-site with GC on Tuesday October 7th. At that meeting JD does not intend to change the views expressed in his letter of 15/9/14 to GC as it is a fundamental requirement that the repairs originally listed as within the “£90,000” list should be transparent to residents. JD said he had not seen the 2013 SGMC accounts but would receive a copy in due course and they should show a minimum £135,000 ring fenced funds in the account on handover. Chris Coomber said the meeting with GC had been 'lively'; we had been given undertakings by GC on the financial numbers which had been agreed upon and he had reneged on them. Michael Kennedy congratulated the officers on their achievements so far. 

Barry Spinks asked what would happen if the board applicants declined to take up their positions? JD replied SGMCL would have to remain as managers of the site. Jonathan Hunnable said this was C&M's Achilles Heel because the last thing it wanted was to be left running the site, especially as they were in the process of selling the company. BS asked if we should have a strategy for managing such an outcome, but JD replied it was for C&M to deal with that. BS repeated his question saying being forewarned was being forearmed but JD again said this was SGMCL's problem and we didn't want to add to our own. CC said due diligence on the part of would-be purchasers would be difficult given the company's history. BS again said we would need a plan. Scott James said the final SGMC accounts would be the most important thing for C&M at the moment. 

Jamie Robinson asked where the Section 20 issue fitted with all this and would the costs of the remedial work appear in the accounts. JD replied there would be many adjustments in the accounts caused by an accumulation of misreporting over the years and the £135,000 would appear there and be ring fenced. JD said he was confident the 2013 accounts would be signed but we needed an acceptable level of outstanding works to be concluded.

Cliff Marshall suggested C&M must be open to a class action from residents on a number of issues. JD said SBC were withholding certain permissions over outstanding works and there was still some doubt over the metal frame of the proposed Heritage Centre structure. CM said he had spoken to some of the workers on the sea wall repairs, who had complained of their difficulties in dealing with SBC.

JD said he would report back after his meeting with GC, but he expected to be given a proper schedule of works so that residents could be confident they were not paying for work which should have been done by C&M. CM brought up the matter of the insurance premium money still unresolved and JD replied the money was probably sitting in an account somewhere and should be possible to locate via due diligence.

JD said the Garrison Residents Association (GRA) should continue under the successor Directors of SGMC following the handover. 

CM said he had received a letter from GC concerning too many applicants for board positions from Mess Road, but as far as he was concerned, he would not be following up his application until he was satisfied everything to do with the handover was in order. Michael Kennedy said the two applicants from the Outlook apartments could not agree which one should go forward and he suggested both should. JD said this was a decision for GC.

Jonathan Hunnable said he thought there should be contingency plans in the event of our failing to secure necessary assurances from GC and suggested such plans should be considered following JD's meeting with GC and sight of the 2013 accounts. JH said we need to know from GC when the accounts would be filed so as to give comfort to those residents applying to be on the new board and if that were not forthcoming we should consider a letter to Neil Fitzsimmons, CEO of Avant Homes. CM asked how the GRA could influence events if things didn't go our way. JD said a possible answer lay with Mr. Fitzsimmons and we would write to him on behalf of the GRA. CM suggested asking residents to contribute to a 'legal aid' fund in case of a need for litigation, but JD replied that was not the best way to go about it. CM said he'd asked Ralph Syme to provide the GRA with copies of invoices from suppliers so that residents could know how their bills were arrived at, but RS had replied he'd been instructed by GC not to deal with the GRA.

Treasurer's report

CC said there was no change on the previous report. 

CC offered to turn all the GRA records into readable PDF files for easy access.

Any other business

JD referred to a recent serious sewage problem involving the pumping station off Warrior Square Road and how Contractors had had difficulty in locating it due to dense surrounding undergrowth. The site was now accessible but not previously serviced as C& M and Nationspaces appeared unaware of its existence.


JD reminded the meeting that the GRA was due on the 24th November at Hinguar School and he intended to invite local councillors as in previous years.


This had opened on 29/9/14. JD said there was no problem as far as he was concerned except that the owners had written to members suggesting if they couldn't park in Horseshoe Crescent, there was space in Chapel Road. The owners know full well there is no right to park in these areas or in any other areas of The Garrison other than in residents' allocated spaces and this was a condition of their taking on the site; there had already been complaints from Horseshoe residents about users of the spa parking in residents' spaces. JD questioned, since the spa is open only to Garrison residents, why is parking space needed at all?


JD suggested the site should be used more and asked for ideas.


Ian Dally said cyclists had been caught on camera in the early hours of the morning peering into vehicles.

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 9.15 pm.

18th Aug 2014

Minutes of the meeting of The Garrison Residents’ Association held on 18th August 2014 at 3 Mess Road, The Garrison.


  • Chris Coomber (Hon Treasurer)
  • Adrian Walker (Hon Secretary)
  • Ian Dally
  • Scott James
  • Viv Jones
  • Viv Byczinsky
  • Michael Kennedy
  • Barry Spinks
  • Cliff Marshall 
  • Matthew Brittain
  • Daniel Puddick
  • Apologies
  • John Dowell (Chairman)
  • Jamie Robinson
  • Jonathan Hunnable

In the absence of JohnDowell, due to a family bereavement, Chris Coomber took the Chair for this meeting

Chris Coomber opened by thanking Viv Byczinsky for hosting the meeting.


Minutes of the meeting held on 14th May 2014 were approved

Minutes of the meeting with George Cronin on 30th July 2014

CC said the main purpose of the meeting with GC was to obtain as many answers as possible to the outstanding issues. He expressed disappointment with the outcome and said he had told GC that C&M could, if it so wished, leave the site without resolving any of the issues. He acknowledged GC had good intentions, but he was constrained by his board of directors. 

Viv Byczinsky said the new Shoebury Garrison Management Company, to be formed by the residents, could be handed a ‘poisoned chalice’ and what was the potential for residents refusing to form a new board on the basis they were not fully understanding of the situation.

Barry Spinks said he had had a conversation with a barrister who explained that the legal owner of an entity could not give it away unless there was a willing recipient, so in the event of the situation described by VB, SGMC as currently constituted would continue as the owner.

At this point, Cliff Marshall asked who among the committee had offered to join the new board and six members responded. VB said there were currently so many difficulties in the way of members coming forward. CC said we would shortly be ready to appoint a new managing agent and it would be difficult for any agent to take on the site in the present circumstances.

Vivien Jones said, as a new member reading the July 30th minutes it seemed that C&M was ‘taking it to the wire’, leaving it too late to carry out their responsibilities. He added that at the AGM GC had said he had a bottomless pit of money, but it seems this was no longer so. 

Barry Spinks suspected the C&M board had told GC there wasn’t enough money to fulfil the promises already made. Scott James reminded the committee GC is an accountant first and foremost so must know what his responsibilities are as Managing Director.

CM asked if meetings with GC were minuted and were these minutes accepted by GC? He was told they were. CC pointed out there wasn’t much time left.

VB said the next invoices from Nationspaces were due in January 2015 and would these show the necessary increases in charges. CC replied they would not if new directors were not in place by then. CM asked if there was time to send a communication to residents asking them to respond to the request for director nominations and to explain the need for increases to the estate and service charges.

BS said any new managing agent could be relied on to make a proper assessment of the level of charges required to run the site properly. CC thought the increases would not be so high as to make residents baulk at paying them. 

CC reminded members we had one further meeting with GC the following week and would try to nail him down on the issues. CM asked what our main objectives should be at that meeting and CC replied we had asked GC at the previous meeting to come back with an increased offer of money from the board. 

SJ said we needed to know the legal implications for the new board in taking on their responsibilities. He also said we should be given details of any due diligence already carried out on SGMC. CC confirmed these three issues would be put to GC at the 27th August meeting.

Adrian Walker said in his view the most likely outcome was C&M would leave the site in reasonable order with money in the accounts; it probably wouldn’t be as much as we would like, but would be enough to enable the new board to take things forward.

CC said after the new board was appointed, there would still be a role for the Garrison Residents’ Association. Cliff Marshall said there was a need for more and better communication between residents at grass roots level. In support of this, Viv Jones described how the residents of his block had got together to resolve issues affecting them and had formed a plan of action to resolve them. AW pointed out the difficulties in galvanising residents into taking their responsibilities seriously and he reminded the committee how badly attended the residents’ meetings always were, however much information or how many reminders they were given or how important the matters to be discussed.

Michael Kennedy asked how we could ensure existing covenants were enforced by the new managing agent and a discussion ensued about what was possible and not possible and what was reasonable and not reasonable, bearing in mind The Garrison is a mixed community ranging between social housing and multi-million pound mansions.

Treasurer’s report

CC said there was no change in the accounts since they were last published

Any other business

Cliff Marshall said there was a serious issue of breaches of the peace in Mess Road including boy racers, sexual activity in vehicles, parking and the throwing of stones from the beach. Police and councillors had become involved. Gates erected by residents had been removed and residents were seeking planning permission to have some kind of traffic-calming device, paid for by Mess Road residents, to be erected at the north end of Mess Road. Barry Spinks pointed out Mess Road was, in common with all roads on the site, open to the public and there was a danger that residents of other areas on the site, some of whom had already intimated their desire for gates, would demand the same. Matthew Brittain said he would be in favour of this, together with manned gates at the main entrances but this was generally agreed to be impractical. Viv Jones suggested employing a parking enforcement company to deal with nuisance parking, but CC reminded members residents had previously roundly rejected this suggestion. CM asked if B2C and the spa were subject to the covenants and this was confirmed. AW suggested the new managing agent might arrange 24-hour or night security patrols.

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 21.10.

14th May 2014

Minutes of a Meeting of the Garrison Residents’ Association held on the 14th May 2014 at Hinguar School


  • John Dowell (Chairman)
  • Chris Coomber (Hon Treasurer)
  • Adrian Walker (Hon Secretary)
  • Jonathan Hunnable
  • Barry Spinks
  • Ian Dally 
  • Scott James 
  • Michael Kennedy 
  • Matthew Brittain
  • Vivian Jones


  • Vivien Byczinski
  • Daniel Puddick
  • Jamie Robinson
  • Cliff Marshall

John Dowell opened the meeting with a reference to the following week’s scheduled meeting between officers and Mr. George Cronin, Managing Director of Shoebury Garrison Management Company Ltd. JD said he’d had a lot of trouble communicating with GC, but had eventually held a long telephone conversation with him on May 7th. C&M is currently in a difficult position owing to delays on certain projects, a shortage of materials, especially bricks, and the proposed sale of Avanta (the new name for C&M/Gladedale). GC still intends to be off the site by October. JD said the GRA needed a schedule from C&M regarding the handover of site management, including the election of a new board of directors for SGMCL.

Tennis courts/MUGA

Various changes have been made to the plans and Southend Borough Council’s DDC Committee approved some of these on March 5th; those decisions were subsequently deferred to May 7th, when a public meeting was to be held, but this has since been deferred to June 11th. We will therefore have to wait for developments. Matters deferred are in theory a rubber stamp procedure to approve amendments to amendments. Ian Dally noted there had been a posting on Facebook claiming the GRA had organised a petition against the MUGA; this is entirely incorrect.

Sea wall

SBC had asked C&M to provide a banker’s draft to guarantee completion of their responsibilities with regard to the sea wall repairs, but GC is confident the works would be completed on time.

Fitness centre/spa

This is still not open for business and JD’s view is the GRA should do nothing till the situation was clarified. He said since the site was a commercial enterprise they should pay a commercial estate charge rather than the assessment equivalent to two dwellings already suggested, but invoices have already been issued for the first half of 2014. Chris Coomber wanted to know if the spa owners had paid for the inclusion of the advertising flyer sent with the invoices. Viv Jones asked what the spa estate charges should be but JD said this was up for discussion.

B2C Drill Shed apportionment

JD said the owners had been sent their first bill for the Drill Shed but this had been for only two years, even though completion of the sale of the site had been 9/8/10 and estate charges should date from then. JD said he had asked GC to instruct Nationspaces to issue a credit note to B2C for the invoice already issued, so that a new one could be created. This hadn’t happened and B2C had, not surprisingly, already paid the bill. He commented that even with the best efforts of the GRA, we seemed to be dealing with people who simply don’t know what they’re doing. JD suggested any underpayment by B2C should be made up by C&M. GC had agreed to put this to his legal department and Jonathan Hunnable said the shortfall could still be made up legally. JD said the substance of the meeting with GC on May 20th would be centred on financial matters and monies owing to SGMCL.

Revised Garrison site management agreement

Jonathan Hunnable had a meeting with GC and Sorrell’s two weeks previously to discuss agreement drafts and GC had subsequently sent JH a further amended draft based on that meeting. JH said he would go through that draft before the May 20th meeting. JH said that at the meeting two weeks previously he had suggested to GC that existing GRA members should be represented on the new SGMCL board for purposes of continuity. GC had indicated he wanted the tendering process to be completed by the end of July.

2012 financial statements

These are now completed and statements for 2013 are in preparation. GC had acknowledged there are monies owed to residents on uncollected estate/service charges, maintenance and other work uncompleted and errors of judgement. JD said previous financial statements, however we may regard them, are necessary to complete the picture for moving the Garrison forward. GC had agreed verbally on previous occasions to a number of financial commitments.


The matter of ownership was still with C&M’s lawyers, but JD reiterated that the area is of no practical use to residents and would be an onerous responsibility after C&M leaves the site.

Narrow service charges

Plots 1-25 were originally granted freedom from paying charges, but there are plans afoot to deal with the matter without charges falling on the rest of the residents.


There was still £20k outstanding from residents and an investigation had shown that around £12k of this was owed by six residents still on site. JD speculated these are residents with grievances against C&M/Nationspaces, which Ralph Syme has not remedied. JD said C&M should pay these debts and subsequently assign them to SGMCL for ultimate recovery.

Leasehold property maintenance

JD reminded the meeting that Section 20 paperwork for the overdue maintenance of the leasehold properties had been raised and dispatched and surveyors had been instructed to draw up calculations. Only one resident had been in arrears with service charges. An error had subsequently been discovered in the Section 20 documents. GC and Ralph Syme met with the residents concerned and promised to confirm their proposals in writing. This was never done and now C & M discover that further information in the Section 20 paperwork was incorrect, including the fact that at least one property included in the survey was freehold, not leasehold and therefore not liable for any costs. C&M’s legal department has tried to resolve the situation but has failed to come up with a solution. The overdue maintenance work was due to start in spring 2014 and already we were close to summer. JD said all this should lead to C&M being asked to pay for the work now and then recover what costs it could from residents, but whatever solution was found, it could not be just left till after C&M had quit the site; we had reached the crunch point.

Heritage Centre

A number of changes to the Heritage Centre plans had been proposed at a meeting in March but these have been deferred to June. Changes included some to the car park, an extension to Warrior Square Road and the restriction of access to the site to avoid unauthorised use by vehicles.

Gunnery House

It has been proposed to rename that part of Chapel Road that includes Gunnery House, to make it a separate area in order to facilitate the introduction of parking restrictions.


The GRA had agreed with GC that a letter from him would be included with the latest invoice from Nationspaces, setting out details of the site hand-over to residents. Not only did RS fail to include the letter, but Nationspaces’ own letter included in the mailing was inaccurate and offered residents the choice of paying their service/estate charges in instalments, a facility he is not empowered to offer, nor one that would be in the interests of efficient collection of such charges.

Any other business

Garrison Developments has now sought planning permission for its development on Gunners’ Park and JD said residents have the right to express a view about it. There is a multi-use games area and skateboard park included in the plans even though SBC has plans for a similar facility as part of the new recreation area close to Gunners’ Rise. JD suggested we posted news of the development on the GRA website and invited views from residents. There followed a discussion about the pros and cons of the development and it was generally agreed that it would not have a positive effect on The Garrison site and pressure from extra traffic would have a negative impact on surrounding roads.

Accounts: balances 31/3/13-3/5/14

Current account          £289.44

Savings account          £161.51

Petty cash                    £1.16

Total                            £452.11

There being no further business, the meeting ended at 9.20 pm.

22nd Jan 2014

Minutes of a meeting of The Garrison Residents’ Association Committee held at

Hinguar School on Wednesday 22nd January 2014


John Dowell (Chairman) Chris Coomber (Hon Treasurer) Adrian Walker Hon

Secretary) Ian Dally Matthew Brittain Jonathan Hunnable Barry Spinks Vivien

Byczynski Scott James Cliff Marshall Vivian Jones


Jamie Robinson Michael Kennedy Daniel Puddick

John Dowell welcomed four new members to the committee: Vivien Byczynski and Cliff Marshall, from Mess Road, Vivian Jones from Outlook apartments and

Scott James from Gunners’ Rise. He also thanked Mrs. Viv Stevens, Head Teacher, for the use of her school as a permanent venue for GRA meetings.

JD then went on to report that day’s meeting with Mr. George Cronin, Managing Director of Shoebury Garrison Management Company Ltd. (SGMCL). He said we

were steadily shortening the list of problems to be resolved; the previous MD had been out of his depth in this kind of environment, but that had changed with the

appointment of George Cronin, whose willingness to co-operate with the GRA had allowed progress on a wide range of outstanding issues. GC had confirmed he

expected completion of construction work in Commandant’s Park, on the sea defences and on the remaining dwellings on Gunners’Rise - all of which were sold - by June 2014. However, due to delays on the Heritage Centre planning agreements, C&M now expected to stay on site until at least July 2014.

Tennis Courts and multi-use play area (mupa)

GC said in spite of a hold-up, following a complaint over the 106 agreements, the tennis courts and mupa facility are confirmed. Cliff Marshall understood the

complaint concerned the location of the tennis courts and access to them via Mess Road. The same complainant had suggested the Heritage Centre be re-located to

another site in order to cut down on the volume of work being carried out there. Matthew Brittain said he thought the tennis courts were for the exclusive use of

residents, but JD said this had never been the case. Scott James raised the question of potential nuisance to Gunners’ Rise residents from the mupa site nearby, but JD suggested the GRA should wait till all these questions had been clarified before making its considered views known.

Sea wall

JD said the recent bad weather had caused all kinds of problems, which were continuing to affect works on the sea defences. SBC has announced it will not take

over responsibility of the foreshore until it is satisfied all restitution works have been carried out properly; they are introducing new conditions to ensure this happens. JH produced photographs, provided by GC, showing damaged and repaired sections of the sea wall. Cliff Marshall claimed the wrong materials were being used for this work, but Chris Coomber and Jonathan Hunnable said all materials had been approved by SBC. CM then said in his opinion erosion had been made worse by the

removal of some groynes. JD advised these were matters for resolution between C&M and SBC.

Fitness Centre

The site has been sold to B2C, which already owns and operates the wet suit outlet in Chapel Road, and they intend to operate it as a gym. It had been on the market for a considerable time due to the onerous restrictions as to its use and to the lack of parking facilities and had been sold for a sum below the original valuation, as had other non-residential properties on The Garrison. The site is restricted to use as a gym and for Garrison residents only. The GRA is concerned about parking – it has three spaces allocated at the rear. Complaints have been received concerning noise from the air conditioning units on site, but the owner advises they are using only the equipment already in situ when they took over and it is necessary for efficient operation of the facility. The planning restrictions will run for five years, after which time the owners may apply for a change of use. Estate charges for the site have been assessed at twice those of a residential dwelling.

GRA site management proposals for Shoebury Garrison Management Company Ltd. (SGMCL) post C&M Homes

JD confirmed the GRA had been asked to contribute to the debate over the appointment of a new managing agent to be appointed this year and a draft document to form the basis of a contract with the tendering companies had been prepared. JH explained this is a bespoke document tailored to the needs of Garrison residents and much tighter than previous documents. All tendering agents will need to be Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) regulated. GC wants to go to tender by the end of April 2014, after JH has had a final review of the draft. JH added that we would be able to amend the document as required while the new agent was in situ.

Gunnery Drill Shed estate charges

The GRA insisted C&M take professional advice on the calculation of charges, after Nationspaces’ admission they weren’t qualified to do so. Following a Traffic Survey we do now have a formula which the GRA considers to be flawed and the suggested charges inadequate. CC pointed out there was already significant damage to the traffic table adjacent to the Drill Shed caused by HGVs. JH said we had to resolve this issue before C&M leaves the site, but explained there were two elements to deal with: the first being the failure to recover overdue estate charges and the second: the failure to abide by the restrictions imposed when allowing the planning appeal where we have to consult both SBC and English Heritage. However, he stressed we needed to resolve the charges issue first. Viv Jones asked why the RICS formula had not been used for calculating the charges and JH explained the formula used was not suitable for a mixed-use site such as The Garrison.

Financial statements and historic inaccuracy of SGMCL financial statements

JD confirmed the overdue 2012 service charge accounts had been signed off by GC. These accounts had been incorrect since 2008, but the missing documents, which allegedly formed the basis of errors, had now been recovered. No bad debts had ever been recorded in the accounts and GC had acknowledged there had been a generic inaccuracy in most, if not all, past SGMCL financial statements. JD said the GRA was seeking substantial funding be deposited with the new SGMCL, for use post C&M. GC has agreed to write a letter of comfort to the GRA detailing the amounts agreed to date.

‘Narrow’ estate charge payments

JD explained the problem of ‘narrow’ estate charges. These referred to 25 dwellings having been excused service charges, due to the lack of facilities during the early part of the site’s development. Not all the 25 were excused under the same conditions, but

most were told no charges would be made while developers were still on site. C&M had paid charges for 2008-2012 and had agreed to pay charges for 2001-2007. However, for some of the properties there appears no compulsion to pay and GC was looking to resolve this anomaly.

Service/estate charge arrears

In 2012 the GRA finally persuaded C&M to instruct Nationspaces to disclose details of outstanding payments and in November 2012 these were reported to be around £65,000. Nationspaces was instructed to recover the payments and by January 2013, the sum had been reduced to around £20,000. JD recently asked Nationspaces to provide details of arrears from Jan-June 2013 and July-Dec 2013, but was advised their accounting system was unable to supply such detail. GC agreed this is unacceptable and has instructed Nationspaces to provide the requested information for the next meeting with GRA officers.

Section 20 leasehold property repairs.

Forty plus leasehold properties, mainly around the Horseshoe and in Chapel Road, were due for refurbishment in 2006/7 and 2011/12. In May 2013 Nationspaces commenced delayed Section 20 notices to these properties, culminating with invoices for amounts upwards of £3,500. Subsequently, Nationspaces discovered some calculations were omitted and a further invoice was sent to a number of the properties. Following approaches from a number of residents, the GRA took up the matter with C&M and in December 2013 a meeting was held between certain of the residents, and George Cronin and Ralph Syme of Nationspaces. C&M are now considering how best to complete the long overdue work by Spring 2014.

Small-arms building in Parade Walk

This property was sold at auction in November for £77,000. It is for residential use only and cannot be extended beyond its current footprint,

Heritage Centre parking and access proposals

The GRA had previously asked for the proposed traffic plan for the site but has been told the matter is now on hold, pending ongoing talks between SBC and C&M.

West Gate management

This area between the metal seats and the west gate adjacent to the commercial buildings at the junction of Chapel Road and New Garrison Road had been discussed with GC that morning; this followed complaints from residents concerning its poor condition. JD had told GC that Gladedale had confirmed in writing some years ago the area was owned by them and they had requested the managing agents include it as part of their maintenance remit. GC said he would consult their lawyers for advice on future management..

Suggested mailings

The GRA agreed with GC Nationspaces will include, with the next set of residents’ invoices, a communication to include the following: a reminder to all residents to drive with care at a speed consistent with the imperfect Garrison roads and with consideration for the numerous cyclists, walkers, children, dog walkers and other residents and visitors; a request to residents to make proper use of allocated parking spaces; a reminder to drivers of commercial vehicles that they are not permitted to park their vehicles on The Garrison overnight.

The GRA asked George Cronin personally to send a letter from C&M to all residents explaining their intentions for 2014, advising them of what needs to be done and asking for their co-operation towards achieving a smooth and successful handover of The Garrison site. GC agreed.

Treasurer’s report/membership/neighbourhood policing

Chris Coomber gave the account balances as of 3/1/14:

Current account: £38.44

Deposit account: £411.39

Current financial year spend

Web hosting; £38.40

AGM printing costs £111.35

Treasurer print cartridge £20.99

Total £170.44

CC said there was another policing re-organisation imminent which would have further impact on budgets.


Ian Dally said we needed to renew the website registration and asked for more news to enter on the site.

Any other business

Chris Marshall said there were issues with youths at the back of the Officers’ Mess properties and some of the satellite dishes there had been damaged.

Next meeting

John Dowell said he would shortly inform members of the date of the next committee meeting.

There being no further business, the meeting ended at 9.25pm

3rd September 2013

Minutes of the Committee meeting held on 3rd September 2013 at Guard House, 56 Chapel Road


John Dowell (Chairman)

Chris Coomber (Hon Treasurer)

Adrian Walker (Hon Secretary)

Michael Kennedy

Matthew Brittain

Ian Dally

Jamie Robinson


Clive Austin

Barry Spinks

Jonathan Hunnibal


John Dowell opened the meeting by confirming that George Cronin has replaced Greg Ketteridge, former Managing Director of Shoebury Garrison Management Company Ltd.

Road Cleaning

JD said Mess Road had not been swept or in any other way serviced because Nationspaces and Care Group had failed to appreciate it was now part of the their responsibilities. Cory would carry out a special clean shortly. (completed 6/9/13).

Leisure Complex

Our latest news from George Cronin is the deal has not been finalised with the interested party and JD feels we must now press for a decision. He reminded members that restrictions on the sale included a) use was to be confined to a gym b) it was for residents only c) there are only three parking spaces. These restrictions would be for at least five years

Drill Shed

The owners have not yet paid a penny in service charges and Nationspaces has admitted it is not competent to deal with this issue. After pressure from the GRA, George Cronin had met with Strutt and Parker to ascertain appropriate service charges based on RICS best practice. Chris Coomber said there had been no improvement in the matter of renovation and maintenance, causing further deterioration in the fabric of the building; the owners were still flouting planning restrictions on parking, unloading, deliveries and the use of the premises as a retail outlet. A submission is to be made to the Chief Executive of SBC, with copies to local councillors, asking why the restrictions were not being enforced.


JD said while there were still issues with private and commercial parking, nothing could be finalised while development of the site was continuing. He said it would form part of the remit of the new managing agent appointed on C&M’s departure.

Estate and service charge arrears

These have reduced from £65k to £22k following pressure from the GRA. JD feels the delay in recovering these arrears has been the responsibility of

C&M/Nationspaces. C&M have assured the GRA Committee that charges are now being collected more diligently by Nationspaces.

Westgate Seating Area & Footpath

JD said this is an important matter, which requires resolution. The area concerned is owned by C&M, is currently maintained by Care Group and charged to garrison residents and we need to know whose responsibility it will be when C&M depart. It is used mainly by employees of Evolve Telecom and potentially Sainsbury’s and is at times infested with dog mess and rubbish, the latter being collected infrequently.


Refurbishment of this block is nearing completion, opening scheduled for 27th September.

Southend Educational Trust and the Chapel

Some mystery appears to surround the present status of the organisation since changed government funding. SET have moved out of the chapel, apparently while refurbishment takes place, but on enquiry, the chief executive of SET said they intended moving back by Christmas. It was noted that the chapel itself, the grounds and especially the steeple, appear to be in need of attention.

Heritage Centre, tennis courts and multi-use sports area.

The project appears to be somewhat stuck in a quagmire of indecision and poor planning. A meeting was held recently, following concerns raised by the GRA including parking and coach turning. The tennis court proposal has now been altered to one where the three courts will remain in their present position after renovation and there is a suggested new proposal to site the multi-purpose sports facility to the concrete area beyond the current Gunners Rise development to the south-west.

Erection and removal of Mess Road gates

JD agreed to attend a meeting between Officers’ Mess residents and George Cronin. Residents wanted to know why C&M had removed the gates they had erected. GC replied they were removed because residents had been told by C&M they had no right to erect the gates and had failed to remove them by the deadline set. Residents seem to have assumed that since the road was a ‘private road’ i.e. not owned or maintained by the council, they were entitled to erect gates. It was pointed out that emergency and maintenance vehicles needed access and anyway, since most of the Garrison roads were ‘private’, gates could in theory be erected all over the site.

Leasehold property repairs

In accordance with leases letters had been sent to leaseholders requiring payment of invoiced bills within 21 days and as a result a number of residents had approached committee members and Nationspaces. Jamie Robinson, himself a leaseholder, said objections centred around the necessity of the repairs and why they were not being undertaken as part of the normal leasehold agreements. JD said the issue was the properties had not been maintained as they should have been and were not attended to in 2007 when repairs were scheduled and for which a survey had been undertaken in 2006.

He also pointed out the significant inflationary and VAT elements involved in the costs and the fact that service charges had not been increased sufficiently to reflect increased costs, which SGMCL would have been aware of. JR also questioned the validity of the survey since the surveyors were clearly unable to access some of the items referred to in the survey. JD advised concerned residents consider seeking qualified advice but in all cases should address their concerns, in writing, to Nationspaces Developments as Managing agents for Shoebury Garrisson Management Company Ltd. within the specified period.

Meeting with George Cronin MD of C&M 13/5/13 and 14/6/13

JD described the meetings as ‘satisfactory’ in that GC had expressed himself keen to resolve all outstanding issues and had undertaken to report back on outstanding matters at the next meeting on 11/9/13.

Treasurer’s report

Chris Coomber provided committee members with the latest accounts for 4/4/13/ to 3/8/13 showing a balance carried forward of £411.33.

Any other business

JD brought the committee’s attention to a recent news report explaining that Gladedale and its associated companies, now renamed Avant Homes and around 30% part-owned by Lloyds Banking Group, is in discussion with banks about its intention to sell or float the company later this year. Lloyds is reported to be in favour of such a move.

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 10pm.

24th April 2013

Minutes of a meeting of the Garrison Residents’ Association Committee held on 24th April 2013 at The Guard House


John Dowell (Chairman)

Chris Coomber (Hon Treasurer)

Adrian Walker (Hon Secretary)

Barry Spinks

Ian Dally

Michael Kennedy

Matthew Brittain

Jonathan Hunnibal


Clive Austin

Jamie Robinson

John Dowell opened the meeting at 7.35pm by welcoming the members


Minutes of meeting held at The Clockhouse on 7th March 2013 were approved.

Matters arising

Road cleaning/Care Group/Cory/SBC

Nationspaces has finally confirmed the remaining road cleaning schedule for 2013: April 24th; June 26th, August 19th, October 21st.

Garrison Leisure Complex

There is no further news on this matter and following Greg Ketteridge’s departure from C&M there is currently no one at the company in a position to advise us.

Gunnery Drill Shed

Before his departure, GK had sent Ralph Syme the relevant RICS documents to enable Nationspaces to calculate estate charges to be paid by B2C; the company has paid no charges since taking over the premises. Mr Syme has since disclosed that he does not feel able to interpret the documents competently, so the GRA will need to go back to C&M for further advice.

Outstanding service/estate charges

The current level of arrears is approximately £40k and Nationspaces are continuing their efforts to recoup them.

Gunners Park car park

At the time of the meeting, no progress had been made on the erection of a barrier at the entrance. Since then, Mike Assenheim has been assured by the contractors that this will be done w/c 29th April.

West Gate

This issue is now in the hands of C&M, SBC and Nationspaces.

Meeting between GRA Officers and Mr. Colin Lewis, Group CEO Gladedale Group

Mr Lewis has been appointed to take over the responsibilities of Greg Ketteridge, who has left the company and a meeting has been arranged between Mr. Lewis and the GRA for May 13th.  In preparation for this, John Dowell asked Nationspaces for an update on the status of the schedule 20 notices waiting to be sent to residents with regard to outstanding maintenance works to leasehold properties, for which a schedule of works was recently prepared. Ralph Syme said that Colin Lewis of C&M had instructed him to put these notices on hold. Mr. Syme told JD that the works on 55 leasehold properties would cost upwards of £115k plus VAT. This work should have been completed five years ago so there has been a degree of inflation, for which the committee felt residents should not be held responsible.

Colin Lewis of C&M has asked JD to produce an agenda for the meeting, but JD feels it should be sufficient to provide CL with an update of existing records and these should provide enough information for him to get a picture of the current state of affairs. JD will also provide copies of correspondence between him and Mr. Neil Fitzsimmons, CEO of Gladedale Group, to whom Mr. Lewis reports. Messrs Fitzsimmons and Lewis are both main board directors. JD pointed out that we were already beyond the deadlines set for action on the Fitness Centre, sea wall defences, and the Heritage Centre start date (see website for minutes of last meeting).

It was agreed JD should send this information directly to CL

Treasurer’s report and membership update

Chris Coomer said there had been no change in the GRA accounts and the total balance stood at £622.55. 

Heritage Centre

Jonathan Hunnibal, a member of the committee with professional experience of site management, said he had examined the council’s reply to JD’s letter of concern about the Centre. JH said he was not happy with a number of points in the reply. 

1.The proposed car park at its present size and format does not meet policy requirements and could not accommodate the planned number of vehicles.

2.There was no mention of the traffic ‘pinch point’ at the junction of Warrior Square Road and Magazine Road.

3.There appears to be no provision for coach drop-off , pick-up and turning points.

4. The council’s response failed to deal with residents’ concerns over the increased volume of traffic using un-adopted roads.

5.JH believes the planning notices are invalid since they appear to be undated..

6. The Shoebury Society has applied to use the Centre twice a month up to 10.30 pm and this is likely to lead to inconvenience and nuisance to residents of adjacent properties.

JH suggested the GRA approach local councillors and SBC officers and this was agreed. The matter will also be raised with Colin Lewis at the meeting on May 13th.


JD said he felt the proposal to convert one of the commercial buildings in New Garrison Road to a Sainsbury’s mini-supermarket could prove to be a problem of some magnitude: 

1.The project would require a change of use and a change of location: the original use was not designated as retail premises; in the 106 (2004) retail use was originally confined to the other side of New Garrison Road, towards Deejay’s pharmacy. This location would have significantly less impact on an already busy section of the Garrison.

2.7 day opening till 11pm.

3.The premises will be licensed to sell alcohol till 11pm.

4.The site access is opposite the new school with the main entrance only a metre or two from an unmanned pedestrian crossing.

5.Parking is limited to 16 cars and adjacent roads have double yellow lines. This is likely to result in cars and delivery vehicles being parked on adjacent public garrison and public roads, the former are un-adopted and maintained at the expense of all garrison residents.

Barry Spinks said a meeting had been arranged between governors of Hinguar School and representatives of Sainsbury’s but pointed out that in matters such as this, schools were obliged to remain impartial.

It was agreed the GRA should notify SBC planning department of the above concerns. 

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 9.30pm.

7th March 2013

Minutes of a Meeting of the Garrison Residents’ Association Committee held at the Clockhouse on 7th March 2013


John Dowell (Chairman)

Chris Coomber (Hon Treasurer)

Adrian Walker (Hon Secretary)

Matthew Brittain

Michael Kennedy

Ian Dally

Jonathan Hunnibal


Barry Spinks

Clive Austin

James Robinson


Minutes of the GRA committee meeting held on 29th January were approved.

Matters arising

Road Cleaning/Care Group/Cory/SBC

John Dowell said he had still not received a schedule for road cleaning from Nationspaces. Ralph Syme promised JD a copy would be sent prior to the meeting but none had arrived. JD also asked Ralph Syme why the clock tower quadrangle had not been swept as part of Care Group’s cleaning schedule and RS replied the Care Group had forgotten. Jonathan Hunnibal pointed out that gullies on the site had not been attended to and JD said he would refer it to Nationspaces. JD informed the committee that the Horseshoe grassed areas would be levelled and re-seeded.

Leisure Complex

There was no further news on this from C&M even though the deadline for a positive response from interested parties had passed.

Gunnery Drill Shed estate charges

JH said he would be sending documents the following day to Greg Ketteridge, MD of C&M to assist him in assessing estate charges to be paid by B2C, which were now two years overdue.

Gunnery Drill Shed renovations and planning enforcement

JD asked Chris Coomber to assemble the available information on alleged breaches of planning restrictions and uncompleted renovation works to be sent to the appropriate authorities. JD said a number of residents had recently complained about the number of vehicles parked outside the Drill Shed, goods being unloaded and uncompleted renovation works. JD suggested the enforcement authority should be notified with a copy to Essex County Council.


Mr. Rob Tinlin, CEO of SBC had replied to JD’s letter expressing concerns about the new Heritage Centre, saying he had passed the letter to the appropriate department for comment.

Outstanding service and estate charges

Since November 2012, when Nationspaces began their efforts to collect arrears, the sum had reduced from £66,000 to a current level of £34,000.

Gunners' car park- Barge Pier Road access

The Council has agreed to fit a gate to the car park following complaints about anti-social behaviour in the this area,

West Gate

JD reminded the committee this issue had been raised in 2010 and there was still a reluctance to claim responsibility for upkeep of the area, which consists of the strip of land behind the Evolve premises and the patch of grass adjacent to it. JD’s enquiries lead him to believe the area is owned by C&M and if so there will be no one to manage it when C&M leaves the site next year. JD had suggested to a ward councillor that SBC should take over the site.

Advance notice of any other business for discussion

Meeting between GRA officers and C&M

This was covered at the previous committee meeting and reported in the subsequent minutes. JD had written to Greg Ketteridge requesting a date for the next meeting.

Treasurer’s report/membership & Neighbourhood policing update

CC provided the latest GRA accounts, which show a balance of £622.55. He reported there had been 91 crimes reported in the ward, ten of which were on the Garrison. 

There has been some further restructuring of the Neighbourhood Police team; priorities are burglary and high visibility patrols. Police have said they would like more Neighbourhood Watch Schemes on the Garrison; any residents interested in establishing schemes should contact Adrian Walker at the Clockhouse, 54 Chapel Road, 07714 706842 or email adriancw@gotadsl.co.uk.

Heritage Centre

We are awaiting a full response from our letter to SBC, which raised a number of concerns about the approved plans.


Ian Dally said a number of news items had been posted.

AGM 2013-03-15

An approach will be made to Hinguar School with a view to holding the next AGM in their hall.

Any other business

We are advised Sainsbury’s has acquired the commercial premises opposite Hinguar School, to be used as a Sainsbury’s Express. We await their planning application details but understand they propose 16 car parking spaces allocated and the company will employ 20 staff.  Opening hours will be 7am to 11pm. JD pointed out that together with the Heritage Centre, Evolve, SET, Hinguar School and Gunners’ Rise, a supermarket could add yet more problems of traffic and parking. Furthermore, entrance to the car park would be directly opposite the school entrance on a narrow road and only feet from an uncontrolled pedestrian crossing

Gunners’ Rise

A resident from the new development has been in correspondence with C&M over poor construction issues, with particular regard to roof tiles being blown off. C&M has expressed its concern and is considering changing the type of tile being fitted.

There being no more business, the meeting closed at 9.20pm.